Hermann Schuchard House #1

221 E Guenther StREET
The Hermann Schuchard House is a brick masonry Victorian house with a detailed wraparound front porch. The elaborate porch detailing includes spindlework columns, first- and second-story spindlework friezes, and a third-story gable with bracket woodwork.
Matilda Guenther’s brother-in-law, Albert Beckmann (222 East Guenther) designed this house in preparation for her wedding to Hermann Schuchard. Her parents, Carl H. and Dorothea Guenther (205 East Guenther), had given the lot to her in 1891. Mr. Schuchard worked as a prescription clerk for George Kalteyer and prior to his marriage on September 10, 1892 he was proprietor of Kalteyer and Schuchard, a drug store at 661 Main. After Matilda died in 1940, Mr. Schuchard gave the house to his daughter, Marie Charlotte Bibb. She and her husband, Richard Bibb, lived here from the 1940s until her death in 1965 and his in 1973. After Edward J. and Bobbie Masoro bought the house in 1973, Mrs. Masoro meticulously restored the original interior woodwork. Ronald Bruce Pittmann and Lee-Anne C. Pearce bought the house in 1986 and sold it to James Travis Capps, Jr. in 2006. Architect Jim Poteet did a major interior renovation, poolhouse and pool addition before Timoteo, III and Lisa Cabrera bought the property in 2011.
The King William Area, A History and Guide to the Houses, Mary V. Burkholder and Jessie N.M. Simpson; published by the King William Association, 2017