Adolph Heusinger House

317 King William StREET
The Heusinger House is an Italianate-style limestone structure with a Victorian double porch with cutwork brackets, two-story bay window tower, corbeled hooded windows and eave brackets.
Adolph Heusinger, Sr., was a German who immigrated to America in 1850, living first in Castroville and then moving to San Antonio. He was first a builder and contractor. In 1877 he started a hardware store, which was located on Military Plaza until 1969, then the business was moved to Dakota Street. It was operated at that location for many years by two of Mr. Heusinger’s great grandsons.
In March, 1883, Mr. Heusinger purchased these two lots from Thomas J. Devine for $2300. The brick house he built on the property must have been finished by 1885 for it is shown on the 1886 pictorial map. This was the home of the Heusingers until 1917, when Anna, the widow of Adolph, Sr., died. He had passed away in 1915. Then the house had several changes of ownership and was converted into apartments and rented in the 1940s. John Wahl became the owners in 1960. In 1973 they sold the property to Lt. Col. Alva and Mrs. Hazel Conner, who cared for the property until their deaths. The present owner, Erica O. Maloney purchased the property in 2014.
The King William Area, A History and Guide to the Houses, Mary V. Burkholder and Jessie N.M. Simpson; published by the King William Association, 2017